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Modified imdisk.sys driver
Official midified imdisk Open Source program english page       

“ImDisk” program is for mounting HDD images, iso, nrg and others CD/DVD images in Windows 32/64 bits XP/7/8 OS.
This modification can mount partitions of Linux RAID1 (mirror) in readonly and read-write.
The aid of creation this modification was:

  • We have computer with system disk and two Toshiba DT01ACA300 3 TB HDD.
  • We want free use of large disks under Linux (Ubuntu, Debian) and prefferably under Windows 7 mirroring paritions.
  • We do not want to convert disks to a dynamic Windows disks, because it is possible to get access to them under Linux by using ldmtool, but this utility have errors (7 June 2015),Segmentation fault sometimes is appeared.
  • We want to create not only ntfs partitions under Windows, but ext4 and others too. The task of reading ext4 partitions under Windows is not set up - it can be done by other software
  • We want to use Linux RAID1 partition NTFS formatted under Windows.


Solwing the problem above... We got ImDisk Open Source program sources (they are under BSD+GPL licence, have a part of removable GPL code, original license is GPL
Writing Linux RAID1 supporting code.
The new branch of program is created.
Enjoying the result.

Command line for partitions mounting samples:
files 1, 2:
imdisk -a -m R: -t file -F raid1:\Device\Harddisk1\Partition3\Raid1\1,\Device\Harddisk1\Partition3\Raid1\2 -o ro,hd,rem
partitions of disks 1 and 2:
imdisk -a -m R: -t file -F raid1:\Device\Harddisk1\Partition3,\Device\Harddisk2\Partition3 -o ro,hd,rem
in read-write mode:
imdisk -a -m R: -t file -F raid1:\Device\Harddisk1\Partition3,\Device\Harddisk2\Partition3 -o rw,hd,rem
when we do not known disks numbers (they are differs after reboot), but to have generic NTFS M: and N:, lets mirrors are the next partitions after M: and N: :
imdisk -a -m R: -t file -F raid1:\Device\Harddisk[M:]\Partition{M:+1},\Device\Harddisk[N:]\Partition{N:+1} -o rw,hd,rem

Unmount disk R: sample
imdisk.exe -d -m R:
and forced unmount:
imdisk.exe -D -m R:

It is need KB3033929 for drivers installing. You can download it from or from official Microsoft site.

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