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= MaaSoftware OOO, +7(999)633-15-17, 9:00-17:00 GMT+3
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FtpServer program

FtpServer v.1.9 program is using original author's libraries, cross-platform between 32/64 bits Windows, Linux, maybe FreeBSD, is is a FTP server implementation.

Fast FTP server with functions:
- unlimited user's accounts
- read, write, delete of files and catalogs access rules.
- server-to-server mode (FXP)
- graphical configurator
- authentification by login and password, login and e-mail, anonymous.
- support of IPv4 and IPv6.
- support of fail2ban.

Мне удалось поработать с несколькоми бесплатными и коммерческими версиями FTP серверов, но ни один мне не подошёл, за исключением серверов под Unix. Поэтому был разработан данный программный продукт.

Conditions of using and distribution of program - free of charge for non-commertioal using, with small limitation is 10 seconds delay at startup with information of that the program is full functional but unregistered.

If you like a program or You need it for commertial using then You can buy it. Contact an author, please:

You can build it from the sources:

apt-get install gcc g++ make libgd2-xpm-dev git mc

mkdir MaaSoftware; cd MaaSoftware; mkdir cpp; cd cpp
git clone git:// .
git clone git:// ToolsLib
git clone git:// CryptLib
git clone git:// FtpServer
make -C ToolsLib
make -C CryptLib
cd FtpServer
v.1.9: 22.01.2019

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